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The Sovereign Democratic Majority
Reconquering the American Frontier
By CP McCollum

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A simple thought exercise is necessary for anyone wanting to understand why our nation, America, seems to be in such disarray.  The best way to understand the why of anything is to first ask a series of questions, then seek out answers which make the most sense.  Not only does this bring understanding of the 'why', but also provides insight into how it may be changed.  We invite you to explore some of the critical questions below, and note that these are covered in the book,The Sovereign Democratic Majority - Reconquering the American Frontier.

  • Who owns America?

  • Who should make decisions about the affairs of the nation; the people, or a very small minority cabal of Politicians, Corporations, and Foreign Interests?

  • What does it mean to own the nation and why the people, having founded the American nation in the early 1600s, are it's owners?

  • Who founded the nation, and who are the so called founding fathers?

  • When was the nation founded and when was the Republic founded, and are they the same thing?

  • Was the nation founded and established in 1776, or was it founded prior to the American revolution?

  • Why the republic established by the constitution is NOT the nation?

  • Why our nation is NOT owned by the government, politicians, the wealthy, foreign interests, or corporations?

  • Why ownership means control, and ownership of the nation can only be recognized and attributed to sovereign people?

  • If sovereign people founded the nation, then created the states; and the states created the constitution which then created the government, what is the pecking order for political authority?

  • Why as owners of the nation, the American people, alone, have all the authority necessary for determining all of its laws and political matters, without politicians?

  • Where does the energy which powers a civilization emanate; from partisan and other special interests, or political leaders and elitists, or from the common masses?

  • How and why Americans must assert their right of ownership through the power of declaration?

  • Why the sovereign people are at the top and retain all political power?

  • What is the power of declaration, and why is it important?

  • Why remaking the nation must proceed by use of a declaration?

  • What is a Sovereign-Body, and why the people are sovereign individually and collectively?

  • How the people who founded the states acted as a Sovereign-Body, and why they retain the power to so act today?

  • What is the importance of making law, and where does the power of law emanate?

  • Why the government is illegitimate, and why the people alone have the authority and the power to remake the nation?

  • Is the Sovereign-Body above the law?

  • Why the Sovereign-Body is superior to the existing political structure of constitution and republic, and why it has the power to abolish all, then establish a legitimate state?

  • What are rights, and from where do they emanate?

  • What is the importance of the Law of Conquest?

  • Why the government of the republic has failed; no longer obeys the voice of the people, and has therefore lost the mandate for which it was created by the people?

  • Why the current US Constitution is defunct?

  • How the established Republic operates as a trust?

  • Why the trustees of the nation do not act in the interests of the grantor (the people), but instead act virtually solely on behalf of large special interests: Wealthy individuals, Corporations, and Foreign Interests, and why that is against the interest of the nation?

  • What is a viable future political model for the state?

  • Why technology and the advancement of civilization over the last 500 years has rendered nations no longer dependent on autocratic, or oligarchic top-down management.

  • What role should the internet play in the democratic process?

  • Why current established political models around the world (democratic and republican forms) have become obsolete?

  • Why politicians and elections are no longer necessary?

  • Why the sovereign-body must establish a new system based on the sovereign will of the people?

  • How policy adoption (law) works in a Sovereign Democratic Majority?

  • Why in a Sovereign Democratic Majority, the people are the legislative body?

  • How each individual state establishes a sovereign-body, outside of the current (inferior) political structure?

  • What is capital, and what is capitalism, and how is it practiced in modern economies?

  • Is capitalism a political system or is it a civil construct which transcends all political systems?

  • Why the current debt structure of the US government will cause the collapse of the US economy, and the dollar?

  • How the US debt can easily be retired through substitution with a sound paper currency and a new banking system, while avoiding default?

  • Why a new competitive monetary system must replace the current failing monopoly Federal Reserve?

  • How a sound currency is created, and how it is capitalized?

  • What is 'roots' money?

Who owns America? Do elitists and political rulers own the nation, or do the common people? We as a nation were brought up to believe that 'We The People' were the sovereign owners of the nation, and that meant we use our voice to call the shots, so the politicians are supposed to do what we demand. America is just now waking to the reality of the matter, which is that we are being conquered from within, and the common people's voice is increasingly being marginalized in the nation we inherited from our fore-bearers, which was supposed to be ours in perpetuity.

'The Sovereign Democratic Majority' describes the process which people are naturally inclined to use for deliberation and establishing the rules for governing civilization. It is a coming of age system which describes tools for taking back, or 'reconquering' our nation from those who say it now belongs to the 'New World Order'; giving it back to the people, who are the original and rightful owners.

Although new and unexplored, it is a paradigm shift in thought and the philosophy of civilization, which offers the promise for renewal as current Democratic and Republican systems around the globe face untenable debt, loss of sovereignty, and failure. It foretells and describes an awakening of people as individuals and nations realize that civil structures exist solely for them and their interests alone, and not those of globalists, or elected rulers.  It describes the falling away of obsolete political systems along with politicians, with the rise of the rule of the common man.

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  • Paperback: 360 pages
  • Copyright: © 2009 - 2014, Oakshade LLC
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (April 9, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1497595711
  • ISBN-13: 978-1497595712
  • Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.8 x 8.5 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds


Who owns America? Do elitists and political rulers own the nation, or do the common people? We as a nation were brought up to believe that 'We The People' were the sovereign owners of the nation, and that meant we use our voice to call the shots, so the politicians are supposed to do what we demand. America is just now waking to the reality of the matter, which is that we are being conquered from within, and the common people's voice is increasingly being marginalized in the nation we inherited from our fore-bearers, which was supposed to be ours in perpetuity. 'The Sovereign Democratic Majority' describes the process which people are naturally inclined to use for deliberation and establishing the rules for governing civilization. It is a coming of age system which describes tools for taking back, or 'reconquering' our nation from those who say it now belongs to the 'New World Order'; giving it back to the people, who are the original and rightful owners.